Ragtime follows three fictional families in pursuit of the American Dream at the turn of the 20th century: Black pianist Coalhouse Walker Jr. (Joshua Henry) and his sweetheart Sarah, a wealthy white family led by Mother (Caissie Levy), and Latvian immigrant Tateh (Brandon Uranowitz) along with his Little Girl. This gala production is led by Tony-nominated Encores! Artistic Director Lear deBessonet (Once Upon a Mattress, Into the Woods).
But there can hardly be another standout in a production that features Henry’s endless supply of vocal drama. Perhaps this “Ragtime” is so moving precisely because its most tragic character can still convince you, at least in music, that there is hope for America, even now.
It’s hard not to be instantly drawn to Tateh’s story: an immigrant who arrives on our shores dreaming of a better life and starts his own business making silhouettes, only to be crushed by tenement life; he ultimately resorts to working in a textile mill—64 hours a week for 6 dollars. You’ll want to join Younger Brother at Emma Goldman’s rally for the workers. Taub, on leave from Suffs where she plays another fiery activist, women’s suffrage leader Alice Paul, and Ross (star of Jason Robert Brown’s musical The Connector) are that persuasive. And Tony winner Uranowitz (Leopoldstadt), recently seen as the uppity ship owner in Titanic at Encores!, is shattering as Tateh, who later reinvents himself brilliantly as the filmmaker Baron Ashkenazy.
1996 | Canada |
World Premiere Canada |
1998 | Broadway |
Original Broadway Production Broadway |
2003 | West End |
London Revival West End |
2005 | Milburn, NJ (Regional) |
Paper Mill Production Milburn, NJ (Regional) |
2007 | Chicago |
Chicago Revival Chicago |
2009 | Broadway |
Broadway Revival Broadway |
2012 | West End |
Open Air Production West End |
2015 | US Tour |
Non-Equity National Tour US Tour |
2016 | Off-Broadway |
Ellis Island Developmental Concert Production Off-Broadway |
2016 | West End |
Charing Cross Theatre Company Revival Production West End |
2017 | Regional (US) |
Barrington Stage Company Revival Regional (US) |
2024 | Off-Broadway |
Concert Revival Production Off-Broadway |