"Unsewn" follows Durga and Eva, two women confronting patriarchal oppression. Durga works in an Eastern factory under harsh conditions, while Eva suffers domestic abuse in the West. Eva's abusive partner offers her a gift of apology—the same dress produced by Durga—and as soon as they wear the magical dresses made from the same fabric, they meet in a limbo possibly created by Goddess Kali. They share their experiences and despite initial solace, reality intrudes. Yet, they persevere, transforming together, symbolising women's resilience and solidarity as seen in Indian Mythologies. Through powerful storytelling and symbolism, "Unsewn" explores the strength found in unity against adversity.
An Evening Of Unnecessary Detail - The First Draft Sessions (1/13/25-1/13/25)
Hot Rubber (1/18/25-1/18/25)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (1/24/25-1/26/25)
The Cockpit is at The Cockpit, Gateforth Street, London, NW8 8EH, London.
Do Horses Have Teeth, Sir? (12/20/24-12/22/24)
CatGPT - The Nightmare Before Catmas (12/18/24-12/18/24)
Smokestack Farewell (12/8/24-12/8/24)
Twelfth Night (12/2/24-12/3/24)
Tahmine Named Him Sohrab (12/1/24-12/1/24)
The Great Gatsby (11/28/24-12/14/24)
Twelfth Night (11/14/24-11/16/24)
It Only Takes One of Us (11/12/24-11/12/24)
An Evening Of Unnecessary Detail - The First Draft Sessions (11/11/24-11/11/24)