This beloved festive favourite features renowned composer John Williams’ charming and delightful score performed live to picture by the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra and Crouch End Festival Chorus. Since its debut in 2013, Home Alone in Concert has become a seasonal favourite with orchestras and audiences around the world! Macaulay Culkin stars as Kevin McCallister, an 8-year-old boy who’s accidentally left behind when his family leaves for Christmas vacation, and who must defend his home against two bungling thieves (Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern). Also starring Catherin O’Hara and John Candy, and nominated for two Academy Awards® for Best Original Score and Best Original Song (Somewhere in My Memory), Home Alone is hilarious, heart-warming festive fun for the entire family!
The Nutcracker (12/29/24-12/31/24)
Royal Albert Hall is at Kensington Gore, London.
The Nutcracker (12/29/24-12/31/24)
London Community Gospel Choir at Christmas (12/20/24-12/20/24)
Guy Barker’s Big Band Christmas (12/19/24-12/19/24)
Sandi Claus is Coming to Town (12/18/24-12/18/24)
Trevor Nelson’s Soul Christmas (12/16/24-12/16/24)
Carols at the Royal Albert Hall (12/14/24-9/24/24)
Letters Live (12/12/24-12/12/24)
Late Night Jazz: Relaxed Jazz Club with Michael Sutton (12/12/24-12/12/24)
Christmas with Katherine Jenkins (12/11/24-12/11/24)
Late Night Jazz: Jazz at the Movies (12/11/24-12/11/24)