The Hengm Ensemble was founded in London in 2023 by artists residing in the city under the supervision of Pouyan Biglar, with the primary focus on Iranian classical music, particularly Dastgh music. The musical mission revolves around familiarizing global audiences with the richness of Iranian Dastgh music, a significant musical system in the Middle East. This music, deeply rooted in Iran's millennia-old musical traditions, distinctly stands apart from that of neighbouring nations, manifesting prominently in aspects like orchestration and musical intervals. A core tenet of Hengm is the fusion of authenticity and adaptability in a musical approach. This principle is anchored in the belief that music, as a vital cultural pillar, should retain its historical essence to evolve truly. As Iranian musicians, Hengm Ensemble deem it their responsibility to safeguard these traditions and introduce them to a wider, non-Iranian audience. Pouyan Biglar Composer, Tar, Setar
Malahat Hadad Vocalist
Faraz Eshghi Kamancheh
Arash Fayyazi Oud
Ali Nourbakhsh Tonbak, Daf
Ehsan Parvizian Tar Bass
Ilya Erfan Dayereh Daf
The Nutcracker (12/29/24-12/31/24)
Royal Albert Hall is at Kensington Gore, London.
The Nutcracker (12/29/24-12/31/24)
London Community Gospel Choir at Christmas (12/20/24-12/20/24)
Guy Barker’s Big Band Christmas (12/19/24-12/19/24)
Sandi Claus is Coming to Town (12/18/24-12/18/24)
Trevor Nelson’s Soul Christmas (12/16/24-12/16/24)
Carols at the Royal Albert Hall (12/14/24-9/24/24)
Late Night Jazz: Relaxed Jazz Club with Michael Sutton (12/12/24-12/12/24)
Letters Live (12/12/24-12/12/24)
Christmas with Katherine Jenkins (12/11/24-12/11/24)
Late Night Jazz: Jazz at the Movies (12/11/24-12/11/24)