BWW Blog: Alyssa Sileo - Songs That Sum Up Fall by Guest Blogger: Alyssa Sileo - September 21, 2016 We can all agree that there's no season more hashtag aesthetic than autumn. But, as is for everything cool, you need a playlist to bring it full circle. BWW Blog: Miranda Jackel - The Top Shows for Teens Fall 2016 by Guest Blogger: Miranda Jackel - September 19, 2016 Pumpkin spice lattes, candy corn, apple pie-what do these things make you think of? First and foremost, YAAASSS (obvi), but also…fall! As I struggle to get back into the swing of school, there's one thing that keeps me going: my superhumanly high level of excitement for THE FALL 2016 THEATER SEASON!!! (*fireworks*) There are so many truly incredible offerings this year for audiences of all ages…but, for now, let's focus on what's out there for teens! So, now, I present to you (*drumroll)* My Top 5 Picks for Teens Fall 2016 (*confetti explosion*)! BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - Staying Healthy by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - September 14, 2016 As a vocalist, sickness is my worst nightmare. I don't want to have to postpone voice lessons, practice or other rehearsal when I lose my voice. BWW Blog: Jessica Gould - Interview With Tina Stafford by Guest Blogger: Jessica Gould - September 14, 2016 During my week in New York, I had the opportunity to interview Tina Stafford after watching the off broadway show she is in called Liberty. Tina is a working actress in New York City and was a part of the tour of Once the musical. It was really interesting talking to Tina and learning about what it's like to be an actress in New York City. Here are the questions I asked her and her responses! BWW Blog: Miranda Jackel - My Summer at 'Heaven on Earth for Theater Geeks' by Guest Blogger: Miranda Jackel - September 12, 2016 As we head into the new school year (*rolls eyes*), all of us are still reminiscing about those summer nights (yes, that was a purposeful Grease reference…obvi). Some teenagers chose to spend their summer relaxing on the beach, working on their tan…I am not one of them!! I spent my summer at the legendary theater camp, Stagedoor Manor, where I performed in two full-fledged productions over the course of 6 weeks. This was my 3rd year at Stagedoor, AKA, 'Heaven on Earth for Theater Geeks', and it just gets better and better each year. BWW Blog: Ben Helzner - My High School Theater Reveal by Guest Blogger: Ben Helzner - September 12, 2016 Every year at Upper Dublin High School, the theatre program puts on a get-together where they reveal the three shows to be done throughout the school year. Before they're revealed, though, you can guess what they're going to be. Last year the theatre director gave hints in the form of colors for the shows: black, green, and blue. If you can't figure all of them out, don't worry, we only managed to get two: Wizard of Oz for green, and The Little Mermaid for blue. Black, then, was The Importance of Being Earnest. All three ended up being incredible to perform, and the contrast between the two musicals and The Importance of Being Earnest was a great dynamic. BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - Play Auditions by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - September 7, 2016 I tried out for my first play in several years. In prior years, I told myself I was too busy to take on another show, and let audition opportunities pass me by. To this day, that is my biggest regret of high school: not auditioning for everything. BWW Blog: Alyssa Sileo - Love Letters to High School: ACTing Out at GCIT Freshmen Orientation by Guest Blogger: Alyssa Sileo - September 6, 2016 I can think of only one thing that's better than theatre outreach--and that is using said outreach to welcome freshmen. BWW Blog: Christopher Panella - Stop Taking Your Craft So Seriously by Guest Blogger: Christopher Panella - September 6, 2016 I take my craft too seriously. Yes, I said it. Every theatre kid takes their craft too seriously. Now, I know how misleading that sounds. It sounds like I'm claiming we should all relax and stop working on our pieces. Trust me, that is NOT WHAT I AM SAYING. What I am saying is something that is built on advice hundreds of people have told me. From vocal coaches to directors to fellow cast members, basically everyone I know has told me that I take my craft too seriously. And I do. But I think we all do. I think we all spend far too much time worrying and questioning rather than doing. Thus, I present new advice for a new school year: stop taking your craft so seriously! BWW Blog: Allison Rambler - Come Look At the Freaks: Taking Down the Tent by Allison Rambler - September 1, 2016 The green room of The Belmont Theatre on August 21st, 2016 would have been a sight familiar to any actor who can recall the day their show closed. The cast and crew was gathered in a tight circle, clutching hands as the stage manager, Judi Miller, called places for the final time. Her announcement brought forth an eruption of cheers, a sound that mixed with the bittersweet feeling that had overcome us all at the thought of bringing our production of Side Show to life one last time. BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - Online Casting Calls by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - August 31, 2016 As social media becomes more and more prevalent in society, casting calls and other theatre things have become increasingly digital. With Facebook pages for several kinds of casting calls, specific types, agencies and websites, people have more information about how to submit to these casting calls. BWW Blog: Sarah Osman - #ThesFest16! - International Thespian Festival (Nationals) in Lincoln, Nebraska by Guest Blogger: Sarah Osman - August 25, 2016 On June 20th to the 26th I had the pleasure of attending the International Thespian Society Festival to represent my school, the OCVTS: Performing Arts Academy and our Troupe #6185! BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - Managing Auditions by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - August 24, 2016 The beginning of school brings lots of fun activities, some homework, and new friends. A lot of the time, with theatre or music activities there are auditions that go hand in hand with it. I know that I am preparing for a week of auditions next week, and I'm trying to figure out all of the songs, dances, and scenes I'll need to know for these auditions. BWW Blog: Allison Rambler - Come Look At the Freaks, Episode 2 by Guest Blogger: Allison Rambler - August 23, 2016 On this episode, take a peak behind the curtain and see how The Belmont Theatre brought the freaks of 'Side Show' to life! BWW Blog: Paisley Haddad - Back to School, Back to Theatre by Guest Blogger: Paisley Haddad - August 22, 2016 Going back to school means getting to see your friends again, meeting new teachers, and homework. It also means back to auditions. Whether you are a Freshman or a Senior it is always scary for everybody. From picking the right monologue to the right song, I've got you covered. Read below to see my tips for a stand out audition. BWW Blog: Christopher Panella - The Beginning of Show Season and the Auditions that Come with It by Guest Blogger: Christopher Panella - August 19, 2016 Hello, readers! After taking a short break from blogging to enjoy family time, I come back with a blog about the most stressful time of the year: audition time. As show season begins and drama clubs start long rehearsals, line learning, and vocal lessons, we theatre kids jump back into what we do best. However, starting the long process towards show day that we enjoy so much starts with one agonizing event: auditioning. Yes, I know, I've previously written about how much I love and enjoy auditions because of the creative opportunities and exploration they offer, but no person can deny that audition week is the most nerve racking experience (show week is a close second). Thus, I present a guide to handling this time of year with, as Meryl Streep said at the Democratic National Convention, "grit and grace." BWW Blog: Hannah Love - Summer of Studying, Sweating, and Singing by Guest Blogger: Hannah Love - August 18, 2016 Summer is officially over for me, and I'm immersed into the school year again. I'm already working on a school production of the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and my classes are already piling on the homework, tests, and projects. Somehow, I'm not fazed by this mass chaos. It probably is related to the fact that I did not take a break this summer. Summer classes filled my summer until the second week of July (don't worry, I took these classes to lighten my junior year), babysitting was a routine job for me, and I was in a production of Shrek the Musical at a local community theatre. BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - Advice for the Busy Theatre Kids by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - August 17, 2016 High school senior Patti Meadors gives advice she would have loved going into high school. Incoming freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors and anyone who has a high school student should know some of these tips to have a more comfortable transition into high school responsibilities and the college application process. BWW Interview: Northwest High School Welcomes New Drama Teacher Zoe Burke by Alison Bridget Chambers - August 17, 2016 BWW Interviews: Northwest High School Welcomes New Drama Teacher BWW Blog: Alyssa Sileo - Songs That Sum Up Summer by Guest Blogger: Alyssa Sileo - August 16, 2016 Sometimes you just have to turn to music to tell the story. BWW Blog: Sarah Osman - Summer Days and Senior Year by Guest Blogger: Sarah Osman - August 15, 2016 I have less than one month until school starts. In less than one month I will be a senior in high school and I will have to worry about the future that lies ahead of me after graduation. But as of right now, I'm not going to worry about that. I am trying to stay as busy as possible; not worrying about the future but focusing on the present! BWW Blog: Allison Rambler - Come Look At the Freaks, Episode 1 by Guest Blogger: Allison Rambler - August 12, 2016 Allison Rambler takes you behind the scenes of The Belmont Theatre's production of 'Side Show' in this video blog dedicated to exploring and celebrating community theatre at it's finest. BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - The Importance of Organization by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - August 17, 2016 As summer comes to a close, the infamous back to school commercials hit the TV screens. Often times, schools provide a student planner or other recommendation to stay organized. Some students may find these planners useless, and jot down assignments on their hand. Most of the time, these students are those who don't have after school commitments. BWW Blog: Allison Rambler - Come Look At the Freaks: Who They Are by Allison Rambler - August 10, 2016 As the opening night of The Belmont Theater's 'Side Show' quickly approaches, the activity in the black box studio has increased ten-fold. The set is becoming more elaborate, the swell of music from the orchestra now fills the air, and the costumes are coming together piece by piece. Tech week has begun, and it can both an exciting and somewhat stressful time for any production. As an actor, it can sometimes be difficult to lose sight of your character and even the meaning behind the show itself among the bustle and flurry of tech week. That is why I felt that the time had come to interview some of the actors in our show, in order to provide a bit of insight into their characters and to explain from their perspective the importance of a musical such as 'Side Show.' And for Nik Olson, this was no small task. BWW Blog: Patti Meadors - The Importance of Organization by Guest Blogger: Patti Meadors - August 9, 2016 As summer comes to a close, the infamous back to school commercials hit the TV screens. Often times, schools provide a student planner or other recommendation to stay organized. Some students may find these planners useless, and jot down assignments on their hand. Most of the time, these students are those who don't have after school commitments. |