Federico García Lorca premiered “Yerma” at the Teatro Español in 1934, with Margarita Xirgu in the leading role and directed by Cipriano Rivas Cherif, considered to be one of the pioneers of stage management in Spain.
Lorca himself defines the play as a tragic poem, in which a woman sees her wishes to become a mother thwarted. These wishes respond not only to a deeply felt personal need, but also to the strict fulfilment of the role assigned to women by society in the first third of the 20th century.
In this new stage version, with the music of the great flamenco singer and composer, Enrique Morente, bring together a great line-up of actors, with Silvia Marsó in the role of Yerma, and is directed by Miguel Narros, one of the leading figures in the Spanish theatre panorama.
Grease El Musical
Teatro Apolo (9/25 - 1/19) | ||
El Dia de la Marmota
Teatre Coliseum (12/23 - 2/2) | ||
Friends: The Musical Parody
Teatro Infanta isabel (6/6 - 2/23) | ||
Mar i Cel
Teatre Victòria (9/14 - 5/4) | ||
Priscilla, Reina del Desierto
Teatre Tívoli (10/1 - 1/18) | ||
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