ARTEK presents an innovative new theatrical show based on the life and art of 17th-century painter Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-c.1656). Conceived as a one-woman show, Artemisia: Light and Shadow stars Sarah Chalfy as Artemisia, who will sing 17th-century music by Barbara Strozzi (1619-1676), from op. 2, 7, and 8 and Francesco Cavalli (1602-1676), from his opera Artemisia. The show will combine dramatic arias with staged scenes, written by Nahma Sandrow. The production follows Artemisia Gentileschi’s major life events: her father’s training in painting; the sensational rape and subsequent trial including torture when she was a teenager; her marriage of convenience; her great love affair with a Florentine nobleman (based on letters only discovered in 2011), and her triumphs as an artist, with visuals of her paintings. The creative team includes ARTEK director Gwendolyn Toth (Music Director and accompanist on harpsichord), Paul Peers (Stage Director), Chenault Spence (Lighting Designer) and Carol Sherry (Costume Design). Artemisia: Light and Shadow plays on Tuesday May 15, Thursday May 17, and Saturday 19 at 7:30pm, along with a matinee on Sunday May 20 at 4pm. All performances run 75 minutes with no intermission.
Stella Cole
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The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
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