Emote is an original musical that navigates the intricate landscape of human emotions and the ethical dimensions of AI. Produced by Elisabeth Nordeen, with music and lyrics by Tim Carullo and June Spiegel, the show unfolds in a futuristic society engineered by a scientist, Dr. Lunarie, where instead of working towards a paycheck one’s income is based on how happy they are. Four companions – June, the neglected daughter of Dr. Lunarie; Noah, a teenager anxious about his future; Alex, Noah’s sarcastic friend; and Will, the only sentient robot in existence who believes he’s as human as anyone else. Each with their own motives, the group embarks on a quest to find the “happiness formula” to ensure a successful future. Their journey exposes betrayals, moral dilemmas, and the flaws in artificial happiness. Their journey ultimately leads them to confront Dr. Lunarie herself. In the end, they discover the true value of authentic emotion, bringing the old scientist into self-reflection.
54 Below is at 254 W 54th St, New York, NY 10019, New York, NY.
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"This Could Be on Broadway" in Concert (11/12/24-11/12/24)
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54 Sings Broadway's Greatest Hits (7/6/24-7/6/24)
I Hate the South, But I Love You: The Songs of Lain Walls (6/12/24-6/12/24)
54 Sings Broadway's Greatest Hits (6/8/24-6/8/24)
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