Auditions for Agatha Christie’s The Unexpected Guest, directed by Joan Scafe, will be held at the Old Mill Theatre, Mends Street, South Perth, from 2pm, Saturday, January 6.
The season will run from February 23 to March 10. For ALL enquiries, email Joan at
Lost in fog, a stranger seeks refuge in a nearby house… only to find a man shot dead and his wife standing over him with a smoking gun. But the woman’s dazed confession is anything but convincing and the unexpected guest decides to help. Remarkably, police clues point to a man who died two years previously but, as the ghosts of a past wrong begin to emerge, a tangled web of lies reveals family secrets and chilling motives – where the real murderer turns out to be the greatest mystery of all.
Characters required (ages are not set in concrete as long as relationships are not compromised):
Richard Warwick – 45-50, non-speaking role
Michael Starkwedder – 35-45, active, tough-looking
Jan Warwick – 25-30, pale, has learning difficulties, Richard’s brother
Henry Angell – 45, correct but shifty eyes, valet/carer to Richard
Sergeant Cadwalleder – 30, poetic, musical voice, not totally observant
Inspector Thomas – 45, poker-faced, dryly sarcastic
Julian Farrar – 35, worried, military bearing, good-looking
Laura Warwick – early 30s, wife of Richard, good-looking
Miss Bennett – 50, efficient, housekeeper/secretary, nosy
Mrs Warwick – 70, Richard’s mother, forthright
It would be beneficial if the policemen could do Welsh accents.
No prepared pieces required, there will be extracts for each character which can be read through before auditioning.