Baltimore’s Mobtown Players are seeking actors for the world-premiere production of Stage IV, a new play by Madeline Leong, directed by Adam Kunsberg. The show will run July 26 through August 10, Fridays and Saturdays @ 8 pm, and Sunday, August 4 @ 4 pm.
We are casting the following roles:
· Emily Murdoch, mid-20s
· Owen Murdoch, 60s, Emily’s father
· Carolyn Murdoch, 40s, Emily’s mother
· Dr. Samuel Adlam, mid-20s, African-American
· Dr. Anna Rivera, 50s
All roles are non-paid.
Auditions will be held on Monday, May 27, and Wednesday, May 29, from 6:30–9 pm at the Mobtown Theater: 3600 Clipper Mill Drive, Suite 114, Baltimore, MD 21211. Callbacks will be held Friday, May 31, as necessary.
Please prepare a contemporary, serious monologue; we also may ask you to read from the play.
If you are interested in auditioning, please contact the show’s producer, Brent Englar, with dates and times you can audition; Brent will reply to schedule a specific time slot: