Seeking five Non-Equity Female Adult Actors 20's to late 30's to play Catherine the Great, Bonnie Parker, Squeaky Fromme, Queen Mary I and Lizzie Borden. This play features six monologues- one role is already cast.
Rehearsals begin August 4th and are primarily evenings and weekends. Play will run at WalkerSpace, 46 Walker Street (bet. Church and Broadway) September 11th-16th at 8PM with a matinee on both 9/15 and 9/16 as well (8 performances total).
Auditions will be held on Friday, 7/20 from 6-10PM and will require two 2 minute monologues that show dramatic and comedic contrasts. We may ask you to read from the text as well.
Please forward your headshot and resume to and if we are interested in having you read we will contact you directly to schedule an appointment. You may also mail your information to Gobsmacked Productions, LLC 220 West 24th Street 5A, NYC 10011, however we prefer to receive via email.