Dream Come True Cabaret
EPIC Productions at Gorilla Tango Theatre
Seeking 8 acts of many different talents for a variety show to introduce a new production company to the Chicago/Skokie area. Come Out and show off your talents!
Audition Date: May 11 & 13, 2013
Audition Time: May 11th (11am-2pm) and May 13th (5pm-8pm)
Audition Location: Gorilla Tango's Skokie Theatre (Upstairs); 7924 Lincoln Ave. Skokie, IL 60077
Type/Restrictions: Looking for talent of all types.
Time Commitment: Rehearsals will be twice a week in the evenings starting May 22 2013
Material to Prepare: Please send resume and head shot to the Ethan Slyder (eslyder@mail.com)
Website: www.gorillatango.com and/or epicchicago.weebly.com