Director Elaine Gatchell announces open auditions for Leddy’s summer
Broadway musical, Damn Yankees, Saturday, Feb. 9. Damn Yankees is the only
successful Broadway musical comedy built around the American national pastime
of baseball—a baseball story neatly combined with the age-old Faust theme.
Great songs from this nostalgic musical include Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets,
You Gotta Have Heart, Shoeless Joe, The Game, among many other familiar favorites.
Characters include: Joe Boyd/Hardy (lead), Meg Boyd(lead),
Applegate the Devil (lead), Sister and Doris (friends of Meg),
baseball players(singers/dancers) Henry, Sohovik, Smokey, Vernon, Coach Van Buren,
Rocky, Gloria Thorpe (lead), teenagers, Lynch, Welch, Lola(lead), Miss Weston,
Commissioner, Postmaster, men and women singers/dancers for Tango and production numbers.
Please call our office Monday through Friday, between 3:00pm and 5:00pm to make an
audition appointment. Please prepare a song from the show; women and girls prepare
either Shoeless Joe or Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets, men and boys please prepare
You Gotta Have Heart, or The Game, auditioning for Joe, please prepare Goodbye Old Girl,
auditioning for the Devil, Applegate, please prepare Those Were the Good Old Days.
Please prepare a dance step(tango or mambo) or one will be taught to you at your audition.
There will be a cold reading from the script. Headshots are required.
Rehearsals begin May 2, and are on Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 6:00pm and Sundays at 1:00pm.
Show dates are July 12-28, three weekends and two Wednesday matinees.
For a chance at a fun filled spring and summer, just call Leddy Center at
Monday through Friday, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm, to sign up for your audition appointment.
Thank you for printing this press release. Leddy Center is a 501c3 non profit NH Arts and Education Organization.