Venue Name: 63 Wall Street
Venue Address: 63 Wall Street, Manhattan, NY, 10005 2/3 subway Wall Street Station
Date: April 12-15
Appointment only or ASAP
We need a few award-winning actors to join with those who are ready and waiting to get on stage. Must have quick memorization skills and be natural fits for each role to “feel” the part. We need a team that together can provide the innovation and professionalism that can carry us to our goals of Broadway and TV.
THERE is nothing like “Conversations With An Average Joe” on Broadway. It’s an event within a play that continues with subject matters of political and corporate corruption that resonates with all the public who need to be educated with solutions to get their lives back on track. And the stories are true with all the news, even stuff that people would be shocked to hear, fact-based—issues having both sides represented in conflict as the patrons and employees of Janes Bar gather to discuss how that corruption and the greed of politicians are destroying their future. It’s their insightful and amusing interactions that transports the audience through the years, the personalities, and issues bringing us to a place where hard decisions reflecting on our past, provide the only hope for the next generation. And it’s the next generation who needs to stake a claim and keep interest in that hope.
It’s a “living” play meant to grow with the times for those who seek the truth and awareness, examining injustices at the hands of big government and a broken political system. It’s open-ended with updates to script to keep production current about those issues and personalities involved in political and corporate corruption as it educates, exposes and entertains, reminding us how previous Presidents got rich and kids killed in war, as the Saudi’s still get away with murder and Congress gets paid with the government shut down. And yet audiences have no idea since real news has been hidden and displaced by the distractions fed to a populace that has fake news on both sides providing the cover. Perfect for TV.
Conversations is a non-partisan expose’ with well-disguised intellect; an accurate handful of history; a quantity of economic analysis; a few outside the box ideas, and a lot of humor that may seem typical in a bar, until you leave and realize those were some pretty well-traveled Average Joes and Janes talking about how their life experiences are influenced by events outside of their control. And unless you’ve walked in their shoes, it may take a while to grasp the distance you’ve just experienced. So if you stop by for a visit, realize there’s a lot stuff you don’t know but need to, if you want to survive in a world that is made so complicated, escape is the road most traveled.
It's story begins when an Environmental Protection Agency community meeting about the Flint water crisis turns ugly with accusations about government and corporate corruption leading to lead in the water, with the residents forced to leave by the Feds and head over to Janes Bar for further discussion. Those who come over from that meeting tackle issues of diversity that divides them into agendas of such personal importance that unless they agree to provide for their general welfare, they’ll continue to be doomed to a subservient existence of our government’s making. They have to learn how to agree to disagree. And, it’s the continued debate of issues ranging from gun control to climate change and involving race relations, and which President caused the country the most damage, that can be resolved once they learn how to find common ground in defense of their livelihoods and liberties and children’s future.
We are specifically seeking leads with real-life experiences as characters in the play to join with an excellent cast. Conversations is also double-cast for scheduling flexibility.
We took a break from previews at Off-Broadway theaters and now have our sights on getting to Broadway which will take hard work and an excellent cast -with many members already with that capability. Conversations is open-ended and non-equity, non-profit. While those who make it to Off-Broadway stage--share profits; Broadway stage—is Actors Equity. We want quality Actors who can get to stage quickly and Broadway and understand the values of time and teamwork. Most of beginning meetings will be held downtown Manhattan-Wall Street. Since cues are so important in Conversations, we will have many team readings in distracting environments to learn pace and voice projection to emulate a bar setting.
Thanks for the interest. JOE