Set in the beginning of World War II, the story follows Clifford Bradshaw, an American Academic searching for life worth writing about, and Frauline Schneider, struggling with controversial love under the impending Nazi regime.
Auditions: Saturday, June 26, 2021 from 1p-5p. Call-Backs will be Sunday, June 27 starting at 1pm at Jersey College of Nursing: 7775 W Oakland Park Blvd. Sunrise, FL 33351. Masks will be required except in the audition rooms. Social distancing will also be observed.
Please prepare 32 bars from musical theater from the Kander & Ebb repertoire (not from Cabaret). Have an alternate 32 bar musical theater selection prepared in case the Directors would like to hear more. In lieu of a monologue, share a 1-minute anecdote from your experiences during the COVID pandemic. Be prepared to tell a joke. There will be a dance call. Be prepared for movement.
Please submit Headshot and Resume to by Wednesday, June 22th at 5pm. Rehearsals: September 27th – October 17th, 2021. Tech Begins October 18th. Schedule TBD. Show Dates: October 22nd - November 7th, 2021. Fri/Sat evenings & Sat/Sun Matinees. 12 Total Performances.
Rehearsals and performances will be held at PPTOPA: Susan B. Katz Theater at the River of Grass ArtsPark - 17195 Sheridan Street, Pembroke Pines, FL 33331
Roles: Cliff Bradshaw - American Novelist. Baritone C#3-E4 Age- 25ish. Ernst Ludwig – Friend of Cliff and Schneider. German. Baritone C#3-E4 Age- 25-40. Fraulein Schneider – German. Manager of the Apartment Complex. Alto Eb3-A4 Age- 40-60. Herr Schultz- Jewish man who runs the fruit shop. Falls in love with Schneider. Tenor C3-G4. Age 50+. Max- Owner of the Kit Kat Klub. Age 25-40. Fraulein Kost – “Friendly” Girl who rents a room from Schneider. Nazi Supporter. Belter F#3-E5. Sally Bowles – British Quirky Girl, character. Charming. Belter E3-C5. Master of Ceremonies – Gender Fluid, Drug Addicted, – Tenor Db3-A4. Kit Kat Klub Ensemble - Men & Women Ages 18+
All roles are available. The Director is dedicated to color-blind and non-traditional casting. All colors, sizes, shapes are encouraged to audition.
This show addresses adult themes Our mailing address is: Pembroke Pines Theatre of the Performing Arts 17195 Sheridan Street Susan B Katz Theatre Pembroke Pines, FL 33331 |