The Group Rep presents THE DESPERATE HOURS, written by Joseph Hayes, directed by Jules Aaron, produced by Bill Fitzhugh for the Group Rep. This Tony Award winning Broadway hit and later high caliber Hollywood movie, tells the story of a trio of escaped bank robbers who take a suburban family and hold them hostage by turning their tranquil, secluded home into a secret hideout from the law. Father, mother, daughter and son are captive and have their mettle tested as they try to prevail over a terrifying situation. Hayes storytelling is gripping and this taut thriller races to a breathtaking conclusion.
The cast features the talents of Jackson Bethel (Ralphie), Van Boudreaux (Robish), Fox Carney (Jesse Bard), Davino Buzzotta (Glenn Griffin), Katelyn Ann Clark (Harriet Carson), Joseph Eastburn (Lt. Carl Fredricks), Lareen Faye (Miss Swift), Lee Grober (Dan Hilliard), Bruce Nehlsen (Tom Winston), Kat Kemmett (Cindy Hilliard), Mason Kennerly (Chuck Wright), Duke Pierce (Hank Griffin), Steve Shaw (Mr. Patterson), and Gina Yates (Eleanor Hilliard).
The Production Team includes Assistant Directors Raquel Brooks, Maria Kress, and Margaret Staedler, Set Design by Margaret Staedler, Lighting Design by Douglas Gabrielle, Costume Design by Angela M. Eads, Sound Design by Steve Shaw, Graphic Design by Doug Haverty, Properties by Maria Kress, Online Marketing by Kristin Stancato, Public Relations by Nora Feldman, Promotional Videography/Photography by Doug Engalla, Fight Choreography by Marc Antonio Pritchett, produced by Bill Fitzhugh for the Group Rep.
South Coast Repertory (2/19 - 3/2) | ||
Wish You Were Here
South Coast Repertory's Julianne Argyros Stage (1/12 - 2/2) | ||
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FARM HALL by Katherine Moar
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