The story of Estella Scrooge follows a modern-day Wall Street tycoon with a penchant for foreclosing. A hotelier in her hometown of Pickwick, Ohio has defaulted on his mortgage and Estella fancies the idea of lowering the boom personally. Arriving at Harthouse on Christmas Eve, Estella discovers that the defaulting party is her childhood friend Pip Nickleby (Duncan). A good and generous soul, Pip has transformed the property into a refuge for the sick, dispossessed and homeless. A freak snowstorm forces Estella to take refuge. That night, just as it happened to her ancestor Ebenezer, she is haunted by three visitations...and oh, what uninvited houseguests they are!
Wish You Were Here
South Coast Repertory's Julianne Argyros Stage (1/12 - 2/2) | ||
Kelli O'Hara in Concert
Dorothy Chandler Pavilion (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
South Coast Repertory (2/19 - 3/2) | ||
Cody Fry with Orchestra
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/10 - 1/10) | ||
FARM HALL by Katherine Moar
Promenade Playhouse (1/10 - 1/26) NEW PLAY | ||
Tchaikovsky & The Mermaid
Walt Disney Concert Hall (2/7 - 2/9) | ||
Celebrating MTT
Walt Disney Concert Hall (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
FARM HALL by Katherine Moar
Promenade Playhouse (1/10 - 1/26) NEW PLAY
| ||
New Voices from Korea
Walt Disney Concert Hall (6/3 - 6/3) | ||
Rachel Mahon
Walt Disney Concert Hall (4/13 - 4/13) | ||
To the Fullest: The Music of Julius Eastman and Arthur Russell
Walt Disney Concert Hall (3/4 - 3/4) | ||
Elements and Energy with John Adams
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/28 - 1/28) | ||
Mozart Jupiter Symphony
Pasadena Symphony (1/25 - 1/25) | ||
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