AVENUE Q is a gut-bustingly hilarious modern musical focusing on a group of unique 20-somethings making their way in the big city, seeking their purpose in life. Although the show addresses humorous adult issues, it is similar to a beloved children's show; a place where puppets are friends, Monsters are good and life lessons are learned.
Winner of the Tony 'Triple Crown' for Best Musical, Best Score and Best Book, AVENUE Q is part flesh, part felt, and packed with heart. AVENUE Q is a laugh-out-loud musical that tells the timeless story of a recent college grad named Princeton who moves into a shabby New York apartment all the way out on Avenue Q. He soon discovers that although the residents seem nice, it's clear that this is not your ordinary neighborhood. Together, Princeton and his new-found friends struggle to find jobs, dates, and their ever-elusive purpose in life.
Puppet Rental
Be sure to visit MTI's Prop Shop to see our AVENUE Q puppets to rent: http://www.mtishows.com/content.asp?id=6_3_0_5
Visit the official 'Avenue Q New York' website for NYC ticketing and more information: http://www.avenueq.com/
Year | Category | |
2004 | Best Musical | Winner |
King Lear
Resident Ensemble Players (4/10 - 4/27) | ||
Peter Pan and Wendy
Second Street Players (3/28 - 3/30) | ||
The Playhouse on Rodney Square (5/2 - 5/4) | ||
The Cher Show
The Playhouse on Rodney Square (1/31 - 2/1) | ||
Villain School
Second Street Players (8/29 - 8/31) | ||
Steel Magnolias
Second Street Players (5/9 - 5/18) | ||
Jersey Boys
Milton Theatre (2/13 - 3/9) | ||
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