The show runs one animated hour and using a treasure trove of voices to create over thirty characters, Jonathan Kruk is immediate, intimate, and imaginative. Transforming into Ebenezer, Bob, and Marley, complete with period garb, lively dialogue, and characters created by concise gestures and expressions, Kruk employs his legendary eloquence. This is not a set scripted piece told from memory. This is an audience inspired blend of theater and storytelling. It is filled with quotes from Dickens original but alive with spontaneity in each show. Tom McCoy, a noted Broadway accompanist, provides far more than background music. He blends traditional Christmas carols noted in the story with original ambient motifs. Further, he delivers an amazing range of sound effects all gleaned from an electric pipe organ, and one rusty chain. Tom opens by engaging the virtual viewers with a spirited "Guess the Carol?" contest.
A Contemporary Theatre of Connecticut (A.C.T of CT) (5/29 - 6/22) | ||
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Broadway Scores at the Playhouse: Broadway's Bad Boys
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