"Much Ado About Nothing" is Shakespeares hilarious tale of wits and wills, where love and justice nevertheless manage to prevail with vigorous joy! Directed by Megan Sandberg-Zakian, this production transports us back to the vibrant and colorful 1990s, a time when the Gulf War brought soldiers back in victory and pop culture brought us a treasure trove of trends to love. Get ready to explore Shakespeares tale of jealousy, love, and self-discovery in a new light!FREE on Boston CommonJuly 20 - August 7Performances of Much Ado will take place at the Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common and are FREE of charge. Audience members can bring blankets or chairs, or can rent chairs on site for $10, and are permitted to bring modest food items to consume at the show.CSC provides a range of accessibility services including assistive listening devices and large print programs at every performance, and ASL interpretation, open captioning, and audio description at selected performances. Specific accessible performance dates TBA.
Year | Category | |
1985 | Best Revival |
Dear Evan Hansen
The Hanover Theatre & Conservatory for the Performing Arts (1/10 - 1/12) | ||
We Shall Overcome: Songs of Hope, Struggle & Action Harmony on the Green Coffeehouse Show in Lexington
Harmony on the Green (1/25 - 1/25) | ||
Stage Kiss
The Psych Drama Company (2/13 - 2/23) | ||
The Fig Tree, and The Phoenix, and The Desire to Be Reborn
Boston Playwrights' Theatre (2/20 - 3/9) | ||
The Grove
Huntington Calderwood Pavilion at the BCA (2/7 - 3/9) | ||
Max Richter with the American Contemporary Music Ensemble
Emerson Colonial Theatre (4/26 - 4/26) | ||
Gabby Bernstein
Emerson Colonial Theatre (2/27 - 2/27) | ||
Lyric Stage Boston (2/21 - 3/16) | ||
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