A legendary cult show, this wacky, intelligent, highly unconventional musical satire points ahead to Stephen Sondheim's groundbreaking work in the 1970s even as it keeps a foot firmly rooted in the musical theatre's "golden age."brbrAn absurdist fantasy by Arthur Laurents and Stephen Sondheim (two of the authors of "West Side Story" and "Gypsy") "Anyone Can Whistle" tells the story of a corrupt mayoress who fakes a miracle to revitalize her bankrupt town (through the resulting pilgrim trade) and the ill-fated romance between the rational nurse out to expose the fraud and the easy-going doctor determined to enjoy the chaos it brings. In the end, the show delivers a poignant message about the importance of the individual in a conformist society-but not before aiming its still-relevant barbs at government, religion, science and anything else that stands in its way!brbrWith its circus-like atmosphere, "Anyone Can Whistle" features plenty of memorable, lovably cartoonish roles of all sizes. The dazzling, melodic Broadway-style score overflows with the youthful energy of experimentation, consisting of one showstopper after another, including two extensive ballets which provide opportunities for some inspired choreography.
Dear Evan Hansen
The Hanover Theatre & Conservatory for the Performing Arts (1/10 - 1/12) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Lowell Memorial Auditorium (2/11 - 2/11) | ||
Hello Dolly!
Lyric Stage Boston (5/16 - 6/22) | ||
Max Richter with the American Contemporary Music Ensemble
Emerson Colonial Theatre (4/26 - 4/26) | ||
Come From Away
The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts (4/11 - 4/13) | ||
The Wiggles: Bouncing Balls Tour
Emerson Colonial Theatre (6/29 - 6/29) | ||
Peter Pan (Non-Equity)
Boston Opera House (1/21 - 2/2) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts (2/14 - 2/16) | ||
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